No plans Tuesday night? Check out Jamie Chura's show at El Cid @ 8:30 pm-See you there!
MISSILE TO THE MOON In Color / Layton Film Productions Inc. - 1958
Welcome to the last 2011 Halloween Countdown post with Tabonga!.. Tonite we have a big bag full of colorized eye candy to hand out, here at The Dungeon! This poster is a fine example of kitsch art, and, the lobby card proudly adorns our MMM splash panel! The movie is a remake of CAT-WOMEN OF THE MOON. The music's by Nicholas Carras, who only had 23 composing credits, but, just the same, worked on these fine flicks... FEMALE JUNGLE, JUNGLE HELL, SHE DEMONS, DRAGSTRIP RIOT, FRANKENSTEIN'S DAUGHTER, HIGH SCHOOL CAESAR, DATE BAIT, HONEYMOON OF TERROR, DR. SEX, GIRL IN GOLD BOOTS, THE ASTRO-ZOMBIES, THE DOLL SQUAD and OMEGA SYNDROME. Lettuce bring in our fuzzy lil' Dungeon helper and button pusher, that 7-eyed freek, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Howdy there, Ralphie! He's here to start our Eariffic Soundclip for the last day of our countdown, so, push the big red 'GO' button near the granite slab, now, Ralphie! Here's... MISSILE TO THE MOON! Richard Travis plays...