
Showing posts from June, 2012

FAHRENHEIT 451 (1966) – ‘Do you ever read the books you burn?’

Greg Goodsell here. With the recent passing of author Ray Bradbury at the ripe old age of 91, it seemed very timely than ever to dig out FAHRENHEIT 451 from 1966! This one has significant historical importance as it was the first sci-fi film to be directed by an important international film director, Francois Truffaut, perhaps best known for his 1961 classic JULES AND JIM! You’re in for a treat aurally as the score is by the great Bernard Herrman, which, IMHO, is his best score ever! It’s akin to spooning ice cream directly into your ears! Bradbury was proudest of FAHRENHEIT 451, declaring it his “only work of science-fiction” – all his other stories and books, he maintained were fantasy. He had a special tombstone made prior to his death, which simply read RAY BRADBURY – AUTHOR OF FAHRENHEIT 451. The story is a simple one – in a nightmarish dystopian future world, all books are banned, and the “firemen” in this world START fires, specifically burning books! FAHRENHEIT 451 is the temp...

We Need About A Week Off For Damage Control!

Sorry kids, but Tabonga couldn't make it tonight, he's busy moving files back into position, so, since we very rarely take a break, we're going to shut down for a week, and see how much damage control we can take care of! This is some very tedious busy work, but we've almost got all the pictures for 2012 back in place, the archives are going to take a while longer, and some might be out of commission for a weeks or months, but eventually, we'll get it all patched up again! We'll return on this coming Saturday with a new review from Greg Goodsell, his homage to the recently deceased Ray Bradbury, and then we'll try and get back on our regular schedule again, so stay turned on and tuned in, but don't drop out!!! We'll be back before you have a chance to miss us!!

Don't Get A Smart Phone If You're Too Stupid To Operate It!!!

Okay Folks, here's what's happening! Don't get a Smart Phone if you're as stupid as me! I never wanted a phone, but I got one for Father's Day, okay, pretty cool! All these 1000's of pictures showed up in my gallery when the phone linked up on it's own with my Picasa account where Google stores all our photos, and so I deleted a couple thousand of them off my phone because I didn't want it to become constipated before I figured out that it was actually deleting them off the web site! The mess that you now see that used to be our blog is the result! You can't talk to anybody at Google or Picasa, and as far as I can tell, there is no chance for restoration, so we are slowly and tediously replacing all the photos, except one other problem is there's like some kind of time delay, and now some are gone that were there yesterday! We might have to take some time off because this is going to take days or maybe weeks to fix, like we really didn't have...

LL PLENILUNIO DELLE VERGINI - "The Devil's Wedding Night" Hosted by Elvira!

I'd never seen "Devil's Wedding Night" before (Imagine that), so after adding the poster to the last rendition of our splash header, I was really looking forward to it, but honestly, this film is so bad, I had actually decided not to do it until I remembered it was an Elvira hosted flick, and then suddenly it all seemed worthwhile! I'd have to say that after Zacherley, Elvira is my favourite horror host of all time, and and if you don't dig Elvira, then you must really be some kind of freak!! Here's just a little taste of why........ Mark (THERE IS NO 13) Damon does double duty as two brothers! That's always a money saver! Here's a little clue as to why "Il Plenilunio Delle Vergini" or as it would read in a literal translation "The Full Moon Of The Virgins," doesn't really make that much sense! Rosalba (LADY FRANKENSTEIN) Neri as La Contessa Dolingen de Vries faces off with Mark Damon! These two faces are almost a perfect p...

MIGHTY JOE YOUNG In Color / Argosy Pictures - 1949

It's Friday Night wif' Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Our special feature is a colorized version of the last giant ape flick from the producers of KING KONG and SON OF KONG. Stop-motion animators Ray Harryhausen and Pete Peterson both worked on this production, Pete went on to be the special effects designer and creator of the creature in THE GIANT BEHEMOTH, and, we all know what Ray went on to do. Eegah!! gave us a soundclip to listen to, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button over there, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's some sounds from... MIGHTY JOE YOUNG In Color! Here's an awesome look at Tanzania, Africa, home of our hero, Mr. Joseph Young... Some cowboys show up from an expedition there capturing wild animals to take back to America, and, Joe just don't take that kindly to them! Hollywood promoter Max O'Hara offers to make Joe and his owner famous by taking them to star in an African-themed club show. Robert Armstrong plays O'Hara and ...