KDO CHCE ZABÍT JESSII? - Svatopluk Havelka - "This Is Impossible" (1966)
I think we've had a month of great titles, and since we've got an extra day, nothing's going to cap it off better than this film straight outta Czechoslovakia, "Who Wants To Kill Jessie?" This film is insipidly absurd, and I liked it a lot!! The original insane cartoon circus pizza parlour music was composed by Svatopluk Havelka, who has 63, mostly Czech credits to his name including, are you listening, "The Ear!" 60's Pop Culture gone totally mad, thrown into a blender with some vodka and almost any other ingredient you can imagine, and this is the end result! I proclaim this movie to be the Long Island Ice Tea of 60's Science Fiction! Yeah, it's that mind numbing! "Who Wants To Kill Jessie" is a story about dreams that come to life, and Dana Medrická as Doctor Ruzenka Beránková has invented a machine that is destined for the Nobel Prize, that can see what people are dreaming. She has hooked it up to her husband, and she sees tha...